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Displays the content of a voice inbox folder


Example: Select a destination folder in a Select box and click this button to display its contents

Field Type: Command Button






Moves the content into different voice mailbox location/directory


Example: Select the box next to a voice message, set the destination folder in the Select box and click this button to move the voice message to new destination/folder

Field Type: Command Button






Forward the voice message to other network extension inbox


Example: Select the box next to a voice message and click this button. When prompted for extension, type '1005' for example and selected voice message will be transferred to the voice inbox of the network extension 1005

Field Type: Command Button






Downloads/Plays the voice message


Example: Select the box next to a voice message and click this button to download the message on the Desktop or to play it in favorite media played (depending on the option selected in the popup window)

Field Type: Command Button






Deletes the voce message from the inbox


Example: Select the box next to a voice message and click this button to permanently delete the voice message from the inbox

Field Type: Command Button