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Glossary of Terms
Asterisk - Implementation of PBX on whose backbone our system is built
AGI - [Asterisk Gateway Plan] - Interface through which external programs control the dialplan
BRI [Basic Rate Interface] - ISDN configuration made out of 2 voice/data channels and 1 signalling channel
CLI [Command Line Interface] - Interface for interacting with the system using a command line
CSV [Comma Separated Value] - File format where columns are separated by comma ',' and rows by new line
DHCP [Dynamic Hosts Configuration Protocol] - Protocol for assigning different IP address to a device any time it connects to a network
DID [Direct Inward Dial] - Inbound line for dialing system destinations directly without the need for an operator
DNS [Domain Name Service] - Service which translates Internet domain names into IP addresses
DTMF [Dual Tone Multi Frequency] - A specific frequency consisting of two separate tones sent by UAD/Phone each time a
key is pressed
DynDNS [Dynamic Domain Name Service] - Service used by clients on dynamic IP addresses which allows them to be contacted regardless of their current IP address
E.164 - Up to 15 digits international public telecommunication numbering plan. It consists of $COUNTRY_CODE + $NATIONAL_CODE + $SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER
IAX [Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol] - Protocol for server-server or server-client connection
ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] - Digital voice and data transmission system over telephone wires
IVR [Interactive Voice Response] - System that manages incoming calls by playing available options and catching user response (pressed digit)
LAN [Local Area Network] - Communications network limited to immediate area
LCR [Least Cost Routing] - Diverts the calls to destination via the cheapest provider
WAN [Wide Area Network] - Geographically dispersed telecommunications network
MAC [Media Access Control] - Unique code (fingerprint) assigned with network devices
NAT [Network Address Translation] - IP packets rewriting technique used by multiple hosts on a private network to access Internet using a single IP address
PBX [Private Branch Exchange] - A smaller version of telephone company switch
PIN [Personal Identification Number] - Four digit security code required for accessing restricted system parts such as Voicemail, Enhanced Services, Conferences etc...
POSTFIX - Mail Transfer Agent used for routing/sending of system emails
PSTN [Public Switched Telephone Network] - The traditional, plain old telephony system
PRI [Primary Rate Interface] - ISDN configuration made out of 23/30 voice data channels and 1 signalling channel
RTP [Real-time transport protocol] - Internet standard for transporting real-time data (audio and video)
SIP [Session Initiated Protocol/Session Initiation Protocol] - Signaling protocol for Internet telephony
SMTP [Simple Mail Transfer Protocol] - Protocol used to send and receive email
UAD [User Agent Device] -Telephone
TTL [Time to Live] - Time in milliseconds system will wait for the response
Zaptel - Computer telephony hardware driver