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Jitter Buffer:


Turn off jitter buffer for this peer


Example: Yes, No, N/A

Field Type: Option buttons




Force Jitter Buffer:


Should we force jitter buffer (default value 10)


Example: Jitter buffer is usually handled by the UADs/Phones. But in case if these do this poorly jitter buffer can be enforced on PBXware side

Field Type: [0-9]




Drop count:         


Set number of frames that can be dropped over the last 2 seconds. Set small number cause 3 = 1.5% of frames dropped


Example: 1

Field Type: [0-9]




Max. jitterbuffer interpolations:


The maximum number of interpolation frames the jitterbuffer should return in a row


Example: 1000

Field Type: [0-9]




Max. Jitter buffer:


A maximum size for the jitter buffer. Setting a reasonable maximum here will prevent the call delay from rising to silly values in extreme situations; you'll hear SOMETHING, even though it will be jittery.


Example: 1000

Field Type: [0-9]




Resync Treshold:         


Resync the threshold for noticing a change in delay measured


Example: 1000

Field Type: [0-9]




Max Excess Buffer:         


Maximum amount of headroom in the jitter buffer


Example: 80

Field Type: [0-9]




Min Excess Buffer:         


Minimum amount of headroom in the jitter buffer


Example: 10

Field Type: [0-9]




Jitter Shrink Rate:


How many milli seconds shall be taken off per 20ms frame received


Example: 1

Field Type: [0-9]