Main Voicemail Menu

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Edit settings for main voicemail menu.








Play Envelope message:


Announces the Date/Time and the Extension number from which the message was recorded.


Example: Once voice box is checked for new messages, if this option is set to 'Yes',  'Received at {$DATE}. From phone number {$NUMBER}' will be played, giving more details about the message originator.

Field Type: Option buttons




Say Caller ID:


Announce the extension number from which the voice message has been recorded.


Example: If this option is set to 'Yes', when checking voicemail, 'From phone number {$NUMBER}' message will be heard.

Field Type: Option buttons




Skip ms on playback:


Interval in milliseconds to use when skipping forward or reverse while a voicemail message is being played


Example: If this field is set to '3000', when listening to voice message skip 3 seconds on rewind/fast forward

Field Type: [0-9]




Max login attempts:


Maximum number of login retries before user gets disconnected


Example: By default this field is set to '3'. After 3 unsuccessful login attempts user gets disconnected

Field Type: [0-9]




On Delete, play next message:


After a voice message has been deleted, should the system automatically play the next message from voice inbox


Example: Select 'Yes' to automatically playback the next voice message after you've deleted the old one

Field Type: Option buttons