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External IP:


External IP/Public/Internet address system uses


Example: If your system is behind NAT set this option to Public/Internet IP address system uses when registering with other proxies over Internet

Field Type: [0-9]




External Host (DynDNS):


DynDNS address system uses


Example: If your system is behind NAT, along with the External IP address you may use the DynDNS service as well. Set this field to DynDNS host

Field Type: [0-9]




External Host Refresh:


How often to refresh External DynDNS host (if used)


Example: Time in seconds (e.g. 10)

Field Type: [0-9]




Local network:


If system is used in local network, set the local network address here



Field Type: [0-9]






Global SIP NAT setting which affects all users/peers


Example: Set this option to 'Yes' if system is behind NAT

Field Type: Option buttons