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These options mimic the functions of an answering machine but with many additional features added. Voice messages are saved on central file-system location instead on a UAD/Phone.




Accessing voice-box:


To access  voice-box dial '*123', enter extension PIN and follow the instructions.




Leaving a voice message:


When user is transferred to extension's voice-box, 'Please leave a detail message after the tone. If you would like to speak to the operator, press 0' message will be heard.


Two options are available:

1. Leave a voice message(ended by pressing '#' key or hanging up), or

2. Reach an operator by dialing '0'


If '0' is dialed, 'Press 1 to accept this recording, otherwise please continue to hold' message will be heard.


Two options are available:

1. Press '1' to save your message, after which the operator will be dialed. 'Please hold while i try that extension' message will be heard, or

2. Continue to hold, which will delete any left messages, after which the operator will be dialed. 'Message deleted, please hold while i try that extension' message will be heard.







Pager e-mail:


Pager e-mail address associated with the voice box.


Example: When A calls B and leaves a voice message, B will get a pager email notification about new voice message.

Field Type: [a-z] [0-9] [@._-]




Greeting message:


Greeting message played to users upon entering the voice box.


Example: When A gets to B's voice box, the selected 'Greeting message' is played to A before he is allowed to leave a message.

Field Type: Select box




Unavailable message:


Upload unavailable message


Example: Click on the 'Browse' button and select a sound file from local computer to upload it as a custom unavailable message.

Field Type: Button




Reset Unavailable message:


Resets the user recorded/uploaded unavailable message.


Example: Custom unavailable messages can be recorded through UAD/Phone or uploaded to voice box through Self Care. To revert to default system unavailable message select 'Yes' and save the extension settings.

Field Type: Option buttons




Busy message:


Upload busy message


Example: Click on the 'Browse' button and select a sound file from local computer to upload it as a custom busy message.

Field Type: Button




Reset Busy message:


Resets the user recorded/uploaded busy message.


Example: Custom busy messages can be recorded through UAD/Phone or uploaded to voice box through Self Care. To revert to default system busy message select 'Yes' and save the extension settings.

Field Type: Option buttons




Skip Instructions:


Skip the instructions on how to leave a voice message.


Example: Once user A reaches the dialed voice box, if this option is set to 'Yes', A will hear the 'Greeting message', and then be transferred directly to the 'beep' sound.

Field Type: Option buttons






Send the voice message as an attachment to user email.


Example: Once B gets the new voice message, if this option is set to 'Yes', the message sound file will be attached to the new voicemail notification email.

Field Type: Option buttons




Delete After E-mailing:


Delete voice message after sending it as an attachment to user email.


Example: Once B gets the new voice message, if this option is set to 'Yes', the message will be deleted from the voice box after it has been emailed to B.

Field Type: Option buttons




Say Caller ID:


Announce the extension number from which the voice message has been recorded.


Example: If this option is set to 'Yes', when checking voicemail, 'From phone number {$NUMBER}' message will be heard.

Field Type: Option buttons




Allow Review mode:


Allow B to review the voice message before committing it permanently to A's voice box.


Example: B leaves a message on A's voice box, but instead of hanging up, he presses '#'. Three options are offered to B:

Press 1 to accept this recording
Press 2 to listen to it
Press 3 to re-record your message

Field Type: Option buttons




Allow Operator:


Allow B to reach an operator from within the voice box.


Example: B leaves a message on A's voice box, but instead of hanging up, B presses '#'.

'Press 0 to reach an operator' message played (Once '0' is pressed, user is offered the following options):
Press 1 to accept this recording (If selected, 'Your message has been saved. Please hold while I try that extension' is played and operator is dialed)
Or continue to hold (If B holds for a moment, 'Message deleted. Please hold while I try that extension' is played and operator is dialed)

Field Type: Option buttons




Operator Extension:


Local extension number that acts as an operator.


Example: If A's voice box has an option 'Allow Operator' set to 'Yes', all users dialing '#0' inside the voice box will reach this operator extension.

Field Type: [0-9]




Play Envelope message:


Announces the Date/Time and the Extension number from which the message was recorded.


Example: Once voice box is checked for new messages, if this option is set to 'Yes',  'Received at {$DATE}. From phone number {$NUMBER}' will be played, giving more details about the message originator.

Field Type: Option buttons




Voicemail Delay:


How long to pause in seconds, before asking user for PIN/Password.


Example: Some UADs/Phones have tendency to garble the beginning of a sound file. Therefore, user checking the voice box, when asked for password would hear '...sword' instead of 'Password'. Setting this field to 1-2 seconds will provide long enough gap to fix this anomaly.

Field Type: [0-9]






Sets the correct date/time stamp.


Example: By setting the correct time zone, user would always be notified of the exact date/time voice message was left on their box. Set the correct time zone if user is located in different time zone then PBXware.

Field Type: Select box


NOTE: Timezones are taken from '/usr/share/zoneinfo' system directory






NOTE: Disk Space Used By Voicemail Recording

With continuously tone 60 seconds:

wav49 = 91.0kb
wav = 863.0kb
gsm = 91.0kb


With continuously silent tone (without sound) 60 sec:

wav49 = 0.38kb
wav = 3.0kb
gsm. = 0.32k b