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Locality sets from where the system is operating from











Country PBXware is located at or operated from


Example: If PBXware is located in USA set USA here

Field Type: Select box




Zaptel Zone:


Overrides Automatic Country Detection


Example: It is recommended to keep this setting always set to 'Automatic'

Field Type: Select box






Which indications (Ringing, Busy etc sounds) are to be used by the PBXware


Example: If the system is located in USA, set USA here, otherwise select the closest country to yours

Field Type: Select box




Area Code:


Area code the system is located or operating from


Example: If PBXware is located in New York, set New York area code here (212

Field Type: [0-9]




National Dialing Code:


Code needed for dialing national destinations


Example: 1(USA), 0(United Kingdom, Germany...)

Field Type: [0-9]




International Dialing Code:


Code needed for dialing international destinations


Example: 011(USA), 00(United Kingdom, Germany...)

Field Type: [0-9]