Administration Interface

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Administration interface consist of applications, administration and actions menus with all data displayed in data area.








Applications Menu:

Applications menu provides access to all applications, site settings, SM settings, log out and help links.



Clicking on PBXware will display its menu showing all available sections.


Site Settings:

This link allows  managing of  system users, groups, backup, sessions, updates and licensing.


SM Settings:

Options of system administrators management and currently available sites can be found here.



A link to help documentation.



This link allows user to log out.




PBXware menu:

PBXware menu is located on the left and it displays all administration sections available.


Data Area:

Data are displays all results from various actions performed.


System Actions Menu:

System actions status on the top right allows viewing of the system status and performing of start, stop and restart actions on one or more servers.