Add/Edit Timezone

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Unique timezone name


Example: Name provided here will be visible when setting correct voicemail timezone. Type 'Zenica' here for example

Field Type: [a-z][0-9]






Set the correct timezone


Example: If you have set 'Name'='Zenica' (a town in Bosnia) select the closes timezone to Zenica here (e.g. 'Europe/Sarajevo')

Field Type: Select box




Time format:


Set the appropriate time format


Example: Depending on selected 'Timezone' you may choose between the following options:

12 Hour clock
12 Hour clock including minute
12 Hour clock AM/PM
12 Hour clock AM/PM, including minute
24 Hour clock
24 Hour clock including minute
AM/PM 12 hour syntax
Dutch syntax
German syntax
Greek syntax
Italian syntax
Norwegian syntax
Swedish syntax

Field Type: Select box




Date format:


Set the correct date format


Example: Depending on selected 'Timezone' you may choose between the following options

Day of Week/Month/Day/Year
Day of Week/Day/Month/Year

Field Type: Select box




Custom sound:


This file is played before the voicemail arrival time


Example: Enter sound file name, without the extension (e.g. 'arlington') here

Field Type: [a-z][0-9]