Greeting Options

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Play Greeting:


Number of times greeting message is played to caller. If there is no response from the calling party within this time, the call is disconnected.


Example: John enters the sales IVR and hears the IVR options. If John does not dial one of the options, IVR options sound file will be played again, a number of times set in this field, before the call gets transferred to 'Timeout Extension'.

Field Type: [0-9]




Timeout Extension:


Extension number to which the IVR call will be transferred to if there is no response from the user during the 'Play Greeting' time period.


Example: John enters the sales IVR and hears the IVR options. If John does not dial one of the options, IVR options sound file will be played again, a number of times set in 'Play  Greeting' field, before the call gets transferred to extension number provided here.

Field Type: [0-9]