Position Announcements

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There are two types of position announcements: 'Hold Time' (Tells the queue position) and 'Periodic Announcements' (Plays custom message)







Announce Hold-Time:


Enable callers waiting in a queue to hear the hold-time announcements.


Example: Setting this option to 'Yes' will enable the hold-time announcements. A single caller waiting in a queue would hear 'Your call is now first in line and will be answered by the next available representative. Thank you for your patience' message.

Field Type: Option buttons




Announce Frequency:


How often to play the hold-time announcement message (time in seconds). NOTE: If you set this option to '0', announce message will not be played.


Example: If this field is set to 30, a single caller waiting in queue will hear 'Your call is now first in line and will be answered by the next available representative. Thank you for your patience' message every 30 seconds.

Field Type: [0-9]




Announce Round Seconds:


This feature rounds announcement minutes and seconds to specific format.


Example: -

Field Type: [0-9]




Periodic Announce:


Select the sound file that is played periodically to callers waiting in a queue

NOTE: File name has to be in the following format 'periodic-announce-$NAME.gsm'


Example: Record a message 'Hang in there buddy!' and set it as a periodic announcement. This message will be played to callers every 'Periodic Announce Frequency' seconds

Field Type: Select box




Periodic Announce Frequency:


Time interval in seconds at which the periodic message is to be played.


Example: If this field is set to 30, all callers waiting in queue will hear the 'Periodic Announce' message every 30 seconds, as long as they stay in the queue.

Field Type: [0-9]